Release Notes

EventStoreDB 5.0.5

Hayley Campbell  |  15 November 2019

EventStoreDB 5.0.5 is out! This release contains an important bug fix for SSL connections on EventStoreDB versions 5.0.0 and above.

The bug can cause exceptions both on the client and server when using secured TCP connections to Event Store. If you are using SSL TCP connections with Event Store, we recommend upgrading both your server and client to this version.

It is available for the following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (EOL reached)
  • CentOS 7 (Commercial version)
  • Amazon Linux AMI (Commercial version)
  • Amazon Linux 2 AMI (Commercial version)
  • Oracle Linux 7 (Commercial version)

Please note that Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) has reached its end-of-life and thus we will stop releasing packages for it as from the next version.

Where can I get the packages?

Downloads are available on our website.

The packages can be installed using the following instructions.

Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/18.04 (via packagecloud)

curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install eventstore-oss=5.0.5-1

Windows (via Chocolatey)

choco install eventstore-oss -version 5.0.5

Client Packages
EventStore Client

dotnet add package EventStore.Client --version 5.0.5

EventStore Embedded Client

dotnet add package EventStore.Client.Embedded --version 5.0.5

Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade a cluster, a usual rolling upgrade can be done:

  • Pick a node (Start with slave nodes first, then choose the master last)
  • Stop the node, upgrade it and start it

Event Store 5.0.5 Changelog


  • #2051 - (Core Database and Client) Bug fix: ConcurrentQueueWrapper can return negative count.

How do I provide feedback?

We appreciate any feedback via either GitHub Issues or forum.

Photo of Hayley Campbell

Hayley Campbell Hayley is Engineering Team Lead for Event Store and works in our Netherlands office. She was part of the team back in 2015 and re-joined in 2019. In her spare time she enjoys playing games.