Release Notes

5.0.11 Release Notes

Hayley Campbell  |  27 August 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of EventStoreDB 5.0.11 for the following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • CentOS 7 (Commercial version)
  • Amazon Linux 1 (Commercial version)
  • Amazon Linux 2 (Commercial version)
  • Oracle Linux 7 (Commercial version)

Where Can I Get the Packages?

Downloads are available on our website.

The packages can be installed using the following instructions.

Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 (via packagecloud)

curl -s | 
sudo bash
sudo apt-get install eventstore-oss=5.0.11-1

Windows (via Chocolatey)

choco install eventstore-oss -version 5.0.11

.NET TCP Client Packages

Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade a cluster, a usual rolling upgrade can be done:

  • Pick a node (Start with follower nodes first, then choose the leader last)
  • Stop the node, upgrade it and start it

Event Store v5 is reaching its end of life soon, and will be going out of support at the end of December 2021. We encourage you to start planning your upgrade to EventStoreDB version 20.10, or EventStoreDB 21.10 which will be released in October 2021.

Check out our release schedule for more information, and for help on deciding on when you should upgrade.


Fix for “Could not read latest stream’s prepare” errors

On EventStoreDB v5, it’s possible to see the error “Could not read latest stream’s prepare” in specific circumstances during manual index merges. For you to see this error, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The chunk files have been scavenged, and data has been deleted.
  2. The index files have not been scavenged. This can happen if the scavenge is interrupted or stopped before the indexes have been scavenged.
  3. A manual index merge has been started.

If you have seen this error in your logs, we advise you to upgrade to EventStoreDB v5.0.11.

This issue is not present on EventStoreDB v20.10 and above.

For more information about the fix, check the PR on github.


Documentation for EventStoreDB can be found here.

If you have any questions that aren't covered in these release notes or the docs, please feel free to reach out on discuss, github or slack.

Providing Feedback

If you encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to open an issue on GitHub if there isn’t one already.

Additionally, there is an active discuss channel, and an #eventstore channel on the DDD-CQRS-ES Slack community.

Photo of Hayley Campbell

Hayley Campbell Hayley is Engineering Team Lead for Event Store and works in our Netherlands office. She was part of the team back in 2015 and re-joined in 2019. In her spare time she enjoys playing games.